talk to us_
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about dither_

dither_ is an Australian arts platform launched in 2023. Our mission is to build artistic connections. We are a young project, a work in progress and active experiment channeling new modes of engagement into fine art production.

our services_

dither_ operates across a website (updating), app (available, no longer updating) and social media (outreach). We currently network, promote and archive art exhibitions across industry lines and interstate boundaries. Artists and galleries are able to submit events on dither_ for free. If your location is not available on search, send us a message (above) for us to add it. Our ‘talk’ space offers audiences a low-stakes and open-source method for contributing to arts conversation


times are changing, and we recognise a networked shift in the way todays audiences engage with and find art - so we built a platform to map creative programs across the contemporary landscape.


after great feedback though incremental growth, we decided to halt production on our mobile app in June, 2024. dither_ is currently workshopping alternative methods for how an exhibition guide can operate in todays socially networked landscape. We are focusing our resources towards building high value, commercially viable and widely enjoyable tools to service stakeholders in the creative sector.

our team_

From left to right: Thomas Kusturin, Soomin Kim, Jack Hall, Ziggy Lumley Tow, Nathan Judges & Sherlyn Lee (also: Joseph Yaduvanshi, Yvonne Chen & Sam Hunter)